Report a false listing

Message Of The Day: Beware of impostors! Bookmark this & spread the word.


If you are a site owner and your site is listed here, you probably deserve it!

But mistakes can happen, and if you feel that your site is wrongly listed here you can contact me to be unlisted.

However, I’m not just gonna unlist your site just because you claim to be a valid and trusted seller.

You better bring some damn good proof!

Send an email to [email protected] in the following format:

[Subject] Reporting a false listing
Site name:
Onion link:
Proof of legitimacy:

What can’t be proof of legitimacy? Well, for starters, images aren’t going to help too much. They can be easily photoshopped, and many scam sites (those get $1000 cash for $100 BTC ones) have images of real stacks of cash, even though they are scams. Image vouches can be copied from other sites or the Internet, so that won’t work. Videos are better, but even they can be tampered with.

There isn’t one single thing that will 100% for sure get you unlisted. You have to convince me all the way, so bring all the proof you got.

So, it’s very hard to get unlisted if you’re a scam site and don’t have any other proof, and that’s by design.